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Evelyne D.Trottier

Evelyne D.Trottier

Dre Trottier is a Pediatric Emergency Physician at CHU Sainte-Justine in Montreal and a Clinical Assistant Professor at Université de Montréal. Her primary interests are procedural pain management and knowledge translation. She is working on different studies on pain and distress management and is working on multidisciplinary pain management teams at CHU Sainte-Justine in the ED (EAU: Équipe d’Analgésie à l’Urgence) and in the hospital (tout doux [for procedural pain management] and DrépaNoPain [for patients with sickle cell disease]). She is responsible for the development of clinical practice guidelines on urgencehsj website for the paediatric emergency departments and is a member of the CPS Acute Care Committee. Her main interest is improving the patient experience through its care
