Why partner with CAEP and support the 2024 Saskatoon Conference?
Partnering with CAEP at our 2024 annual conference provides an opportunity to build stronger relationships, to network and collaborate, and to gain brand recognition and credibility within the EM community.
The CAEP Conference is the largest Emergency Medicine Conference in Canada with over 1100 delegates annually. It brings together emergency physicians, residents, nurses, paramedics, medical students, and other allied health professionals to connect and learn about cutting-edge emergency medicine and innovative educational techniques and showcases Canada’s best research in Emergency Medicine.
Diamond Sponsor (Symposium) $60K Exclusive - SOLD OUT
(1 available)
Development and delivery of a live in-person accredited prime-time symposium with lunch provided for symposium attendees with continued promotion of video recording housed on caep.ca and CAEP TV YouTube channel
Acknowledgement and promotion as CAEP24’s top Diamond sponsor (CAEP24 onsite signage, opening & closing ceremony slides, conference website, conference app, e-communication materials, CAEP weekly newsletters)
Double exhibit booth with priority placement *6 full registrations
Registered individuals receive tickets to Welcome Reception, Docs that Rock
Dedicated Eblast to CAEP membership
EM Marketplace posting for 1 year (caep.ca)
Full page promotion in CJEM
13 weeks of promotion in EM in the NEWS
Sapphire Sponsor (Lunch Symposia) $55K Exclusive SOLD
Development and delivery of a live in-person accredited prime-time symposium with lunch provided for symposium attendees with continued promotion of video recording housed on caep.ca and CAEP TV YouTube channel
Platinum Sponsor (Breakfast Symposia) $40K - ONLY 2 REMAINING
(4 available)
Development and delivery of a live in person accredited symposium with breakfast provided for symposium attendees with continued promotion of video recording housed on caep.ca and CAEP TV You Tube channel
Exhibit booth (note placement is determined on first paid, first pick basis)
2 full registrations for booth sales representatives
2 additional registrations available at $500 each|Non-Profit no additional registrations
Lunches provided on full days for registered booth representatives
Acknowledgement and promotion as CAEP24 exhibitor (CAEP24 onsite signage, opening & closing ceremony slides, logo & hyperlink on conference website, conference app)
2 tickets to welcome reception and Docs that rock
Conference delegate names list provided
Corporate Branding
$5K – Fast and portable phone charging banks – including branding – will be placed at the registration desk for visibility. Eight individual, portable power banks that the physicians can use to charge their cell phones.
$3k – Support the Delegates’ food & beverage and be acknowledged with placards and signage. “Enjoy your morning break – Compliments of name & logo”
* NOTE – All prices listed in CDN$ and all opportunities are based on a first come/first paid system
Please feel free to contact us for more details as required!