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Planning Committee 2024

Working hard to bring you a high yield learning experience.

Meet the Team.

Catherine Patocka MD MHPE FRCPC

National Chair

Jennifer Bryan MD FRCPC

National Scientific Chair

James Stempien MD FCFP CCFP-EM

Local Conference Chair

Brittany Ellis MD FRCPC DiMM MSc

Local Scientific Chair

CAEP 2024 Conference: Join Us in Saskatoon where The Sky's the Limit!

Message from the Chairs

Dear CAEP Members,

We are thrilled to invite you to CAEP 2024! June 9 to June 12th we’ll be heading to the heart of Saskatchewan, and we couldn’t be more excited to have you join us in Saskatoon. Registration starts December 1st, and this year, “The Sky’s the Limit”!

At CAEP 2024 you can expect an expanded Learning Expo, the Great Canadian POCUS Competition, research, education, and quality improvement projects from across Canada and beyond. We are also continuing with our six exciting learning tracks:

  1. Leading Edge: Innovation and leading change (QI, hospital administration, technology, leadership, management)
  2. Learning Continuum: Strategies for education, and training throughout emergency medicine (continuing professional development, academic leadership, fellowships, educational innovations)
  3. Everyday Excellence: High yield clinical practice topics
  4. Society in EM: Social EM, journalism, politics, advocacy, climate change
  5. EM in Diverse Contexts: Global health, disaster medicine, rural and remote EM, pre-hospital care
  6. Great EM Research: The top research and QI abstracts of the year

We would like to express our gratitude for the numerous presentation submissions we’ve received. Your dedication to advancing emergency medicine is truly inspiring. Please remember that submissions  will be remain open for abstracts in research, education innovation, and quality improvement starting November 30th until the 7th of January 2024. We encourage you to share your expertise and insights with colleagues from across the country and around the world.

We are also accepting submissions for pre-conference workshops until the 10th of December 2023. This is an excellent opportunity to make a lasting impact in the field. 

We understand the importance of work-life balance and warmly welcome your loved ones to join you in Saskatoon, making this a memorable experience for the whole family. In Saskatoon you will find  a wealth of indoor and outdoor attractions and cultural experiences for all ages.

Save the dates, and stay tuned for more details. The sky truly is the limit at CAEP 2024!

For further information and updates, please visit our website at

Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to seeing you in Saskatoon in 2024!


Catherine Patocka, Jennifer Bryan, Brittany Ellis, James Stempien

#CAEP24 Conference Chairs