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Information for Track Chairs, Vice Chairs and Learner Leads


Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in #CAEP24: Five Tips

In the fall of 2019, the CAEP Board made equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) a top priority for the organization in all of its activities. Since then, progress has been made on a number of fronts including committee work, Board diversification, speaker diversification. CAEP is committed to making Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) foundational to our organization and how we approach the practice of Emergency Medicine in Canada and that includes in the organization of #CAEP24.

  1. Self education: All members of the track leadership team are encouraged to participate in training related to EDI if they have not done so recently. This may be short (e.g., the Stanford 1 hour Unconscious Bias in Medicine course) or more in-depth (e.g., the Sanyas Anti-Racism Indigenous Cultural Safety Training Program, accredited by the Royal College and CFPC)  depending on your needs and available time.
  2. Avoid homogenous panels and groups of speakers. Being inclusive of a variety of voices is important for our conference to be successful and to reflect CAEP’s values. Panels should include a diversity of genders and ideally include the voices of speakers from groups traditionally underrepresented in medicine. We are specifically committed to avoiding   “manels”.  
  3. Encourage your presenters to use inclusive, first-person language. The CDC provides additional guidance in their Principles and Preferred Terms for Non- Stigmatizing, Bias-Free Language
  4. If presenters are highlighting differences related to demographic factors, e.g., age, race, gender, they should provide context for these differences. For example, as race is a social construct, differences in disease processes between racial groups are most often due to geography, SES, or other external factors.
  5. Images used in presentations should represent the diversity of the populations we serve in emergency medicine (and be properly attributed). Excellent resources include:

Conference Structure

The conference runs from June 9th-12th. It is preceded by the academic symposium (June 8) and pre-conference training sessions (June 7-8). 

There are six tracks:

  1. Everyday excellence in emergency medicine (focused on high yield clinical practice topics)
  2. The leading edge: Innovation and leading change (QI, hospital administration, technology, leadership, management)
  3. The learning continuum: Strategies for education, and training throughout emergency medicine (continuing professional development, academic leadership, fellowships and educational innovations)
  4. Society and Emergency Medicine (Social EM, journalism, politics, advocacy, climate change)
  5. EM in diverse contexts (global health, disaster medicine, rural and remote EM, prehospital care)
  6. Great EM research (organized separately by the CAEP Research Committee)

The first five tracks will have a combination of 20-minute talks, 40-minute panels, and 45-minute workshops (this timing can be adjusted by the track leadership if needed). The 6th track is organized separately by the CAEP Research Committee.

There will also be plenaries and events dedicated to ultrasound, simulation, and other special topic areas.

Throughout the conference meetings will be held for various CAEP committees and other national groups. The CAEP Annual General Meeting will also take place during the conference. 

An outline of the day-to-day schedule format for the conference will be shared with you as soon as it is available.

Track Chair, Vice Chair, and Learner Lead Responsibilities

Track chairs, vice chairs and learner leads are expected to:

  • Attend the conference (in person)
  • Maintain your CAEP membership for 2024. If you need any assistance, please follow up with Julia Beljo ( 
  • Familiarize yourself with the guidelines provided on industry interactions, and ethical practices and with CAEP’s Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion conference planning tips.
  • Participate in regular planning meetings and stay in contact with the planning team
  • Review track submissions
  • Act as a moderator for your track along with other members of the track committee and other selected colleagues 
  • Provide speakers and moderators with clarification about the presentation requirements and expectations (desired focus, timing, etc.)
  • Collect speakers’ presentations for the conference and plan for a single computer to be used to show slides for each session 

In addition,

Track chairs will:

  • Organize meetings of the track leadership team as needed to reach your goals
  • Provide draft schedule (DUE: November 15, 2023)
  • Provide final list of confirmed speakers and schedule (DUE: December 1, 2023)
    • Create a track committee including the track vice chair, learner lead, and other invited colleagues
    • In cooperation with the other track chairs and scientific chairs, and with input from the vice chair and learner lead, select speakers aligned with your track theme
    • Lead the selection and invitation of additional speakers should there be available spots in your track

Vice chairs will:

  • Assist in the recruitment of additional moderators and/ or track committee members as needed
  • Assist the track chair and learner lead in their responsibilities

Learner leads will:

  • Create an elevator pitch to promote your track (infographic, video or any other medium you’d like – the sky’s the limit!)- First draft due February 10, 2023
  • Assist the track chair and vice chair in their responsibilities

Questions?  Contact Jen Gale (