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Information for Abstract Presenters

Abstract presenters (plenary, lightning oral, moderated poster, and poster) have been selected to present their research as part of the CAEP24 Abstract Competition. If you are a speaker who has been invited to present by the track chair, please refer to the speaker information page.


Abstract presenters are responsible for their own costs associated with participation, including conference registration.

Presenters are expected to register online by April 15th, 2024 in order to ensure that the presentation is listed in the conference program.

Lightning Oral Presentation Information
  • Lightning orals are allotted 10 minutes total (7 minutes presentation, 3 minutes Q & A)
  • Embedded abstract presenters must bring their own laptop for their presentation. Presentations on iPads or Notebooks are not compatible with data projection. If you are using a Mac computer you will also need bring your own adapter for the projector.
  • For accreditation purposes, you must include the following at the start of your presentation:
    • Slide #1 disclosure form – Slide 1 is included by everyone (write “none” if there are no conflicts to declare.
    • Ensure adherence to using generic rather than trade names of medications and/or devices within all presentations and written materials.
  • The research track moderator will be responsible for addressing overall learning objectives for all the presenters.
  • Presenters are encouraged (but not required) to use CAEP’s template presentation.
  • If you are not using the CAEP presentation template, the slide #1 disclosure form must still be included.
  • PowerPoint presentations should be in the 16:9 format.
Moderated Poster Presentation Information


  • Moderated posters are allotted 8 minutes total (5 minutes for synopsis, 3 minutes for Q & A).
  • For accreditation purposes, you must display a COI declaration form beside your poster. This is a requirement for our accreditation application and there are no exceptions. To access CAEP’s form, click here.
  • Ensure adherence to using generic rather than trade names of medications and/or devices within all presentations and written materials.
  • The session moderator will be responsible for addressing overall learning objectives for all the presenters.
  • Attendees will move from poster to poster in the topic group while each presenter gives a five-minute synopsis of the project followed by a question period of 2 – 3 minutes from the moderator and from attendees.
  • Please be in your area to meet with your moderator twenty minutes before the time your poster is scheduled. You are expected to stay in the session for the other moderated poster presentations.
  • Moderators will critique poster presentations. You must be present with your poster during the scheduled discussion time. You are encouraged to be with your poster during the entire poster session.


  • Poster boards have useable space of 96″[W] x 48″[H].
  • Your poster should be easy to read from a distance of 4 feet.
  • Organize your poster layout to correspond with your abstract: title, study objectives, design, type of participants, interventions, measurements and main results, and conclusion.
    • NB: For QIPS posters, organize your poster layout to correspond with the QIPS abstract’s format. This could include: problem characterization (including importance/quantification of the issue), aim statement, measures (outcome, process, balancing), QI methods used (including stakeholder engagement, root-cause analyses, process mapping, etc.), change ideas and implementation (PDSA cycles, iterative learning), evaluation/results (repeated data sampling, run/control charts), discussion and impact (including significance, key learnings for this/other EDs, scalability, sustainability).
  • Edit your material down to essential words. Use tables, diagrams, and lists whenever possible.
  • You may provide handouts of bibliography, abstract, tables, lists, etc.
  • We suggest the following type sizes for poster elements:
    • Title 72 point bold
    • Names of Authors – 48 point bold
    • Name of Institution – 36 point bold
    • Section Headings – 36 point bold
    • Text – 18-24 point
  • You may use colored poster board to create a margin around white paper as the display surface may not be aesthetically compatible with your poster display. Also, if the size of your display does not fill the 96″[W] x 48″[H] space, you may put up background paper that will complement your poster.


Poster set-up is from 7am – 8:30am (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday).  Tear-down is after 6pm on Sunday, 5pm on Monday, and at 3:30pm on Tuesday. Posters that have not been collected by 7am the following day will be available for pickup at the registration counter and will be discarded if not picked up by Wednesday at 10am.

Poster Information


For accreditation purposes, you must display a COI declaration form beside your poster. This is a requirement for our accreditation application and there are no exceptions. To access CAEP’s form, click here.



  • Poster boards have useable space of 96″[W] x 48″[H].
  • Your poster should be easy to read from a distance of 4 feet.
  • Organize your poster layout to correspond with your abstract: title, study objectives, design, type of participants, interventions, measurements and main results, and conclusion.
    • NB: For QIPS posters, organize your poster layout to correspond with the QIPS abstract’s format. This could include: problem characterization (including importance/quantification of the issue), aim statement, measures (outcome, process, balancing), QI methods used (including stakeholder engagement, root-cause analyses, process mapping, etc.), change ideas and implementation (PDSA cycles, iterative learning), evaluation/results (repeated data sampling, run/control charts), discussion and impact (including significance, key learnings for this/other EDs, scalability, sustainability).
  • Edit your material down to essential words. Use tables, diagrams, and lists whenever possible.
  • You may provide handouts of bibliography, abstract, tables, lists, etc.
  • We suggest the following type sizes for poster elements:
    • Title 72 point bold
    • Names of Authors – 48 point bold
    • Name of Institution – 36 point bold
    • Section Headings – 36 point bold
    • Text – 18-24 point
  • You may use colored poster board to create a margin around white paper as the display surface may not be aesthetically compatible with your poster display. Also, if the size of your display does not fill the 96″[W] x 48″[H] space, you may put up background paper that will complement your poster.


Poster set-up is from 7am – 8:30am (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday).  Tear-down is after 5pm on Sunday and Monday, and at 3:30 on Tuesday. Posters that have not been collected by 7am the following day will be available for pickup at the registration counter and will be discarded if not picked up by Wednesday at 10am.