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Tuesday June 15, Wednesday June 16 & Thursday June 17

Track Chair

Justin Yan


Learning Objectives

At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  1. Describe the environment of emergency medicine research studies occurring at a local, regional, and national level.
  2. Consider implementing recent evidence-based findings in improving the clinical care of emergency department patients.
  3. Foster discussion with like-minded colleagues to explore future research directions and advancements in emergency medicine.

Research Program

Tuesday, June 15     17:00 – 17:32 CT

Track #Presentation #TitlePresenter
1MP1Trends in computer tomography ordering in Calgary emergency departmentsDr. Jason Elzinga
1MP2The impact of performance feedback reports on physician ordering behaviour in the use of Computed Tomography Pulmonary AngiographyDr. Leila Salehi
1MP3Use of an instant messaging platform to improve communication between the emergency department and medical imaging after hoursDr. Joseph Choi
1MP4Impact of major health information technology failures on the emergency departmentMr. Harrish Gangatharan
2MP8Urban Alberta Emergency Department Pediatric Cannabis Presentations: The Legalization ExperienceMr. Matthew Yeung
2MP9Sentinel visits in Pediatric Emergency Department patients with diabetes mellitus as a warning sign for hyperglycemic emergencies.Dr. Brendan Maxwell
2MP10Treatment of alcohol withdrawal syndrome in the emergency department: a rapid reviewDr. Justin Koh
2MP11Quality improvement opportunities in the care of Emergency Department patients presenting with Mental Health concerns and alcohol intoxication: A multicenter analysisMs. Suzanne George

Tuesday, June 15     17:32 – 17:56 CT

Track #Presentation #TitlePresenter
1MP5Transitions in health care states for frequent and non-frequent users of emergency departments: a population-based retrospective cohort studyDr. Patrick McLane
1MP6Cost analysis of outpatient parenteral antibiotic therapy (OPAT) and inpatient strategies for emergency department patients with cellulitisDr. Krishan Yadav
2MP7Rating the trustworthiness of emergency medicine clinical practice guidelines with the NEATS instrument.Dr. Suneel Upadhye
2MP12Overdose and naloxone dosing trends at Insite supervised injection facility in British Columbia: a retrospective cohort studyDr. Raymond Cho
2MP13Relationship of community pharmaceutical and opioid prescribing to the opioid epidemicDr. Grant Innes
2MP14A comparison of the management of patients with advanced cancer vs. other end-stage conditions in two Canadian emergency departmentsMr. Scott Kirkland

Tuesday, June 15     11:00 – 12:30 CT

Presentation #TitlePresenter
LO01Practice variation in the management of spontaneous abortion: A multisite retrospective study in Calgary emergency departmentsMs. Megg Wylie
LO02Managing children with acute bronchiolitis: a systematic review and network meta-analysisDr. Sarah Elliot
LO03The utility of telemedicine in pediatric emergency care: A scoping reviewMr. Owen Robinson
LO04Predicting pediatric hospital admission at emergency department triage: a derivation and internal validation study using retrospective data from a tertiary care hospital in Northwestern Ontario.Dr. Shelby Stanojev
LO05A longitudinal, population-based study on mental health outcomes in child survivors of traumatic injury compared with matched controlsDr. Dominic Chung
LO06Pet therapy in the emergency department and ambulatory care: a systematic reviewDr. Samina Ali
LO07Identification of pediatric emergency department patients for referral to rapid-access substance use servicesDr. Elizabeth Williams
LO08Adolescent and caregiver perspectives on living with a limb fractureDr. Stevi Golden-Plotnik
LO09What we know about acute pediatric cannabis poisoning: a scoping reviewDr. Sarah Elliot

Tuesday, June 15     13:30 – 16:00 CT

Presentation #TitlePresenter
LO010Implementation of trauma team activation criteria: a quality improvement project to reduce overtriage at a level 1 trauma centreDr. Aikta Verma
LO011A quality improvement initiative to provide COVID-19 patients with rapid follow up via a novel multi-disciplinary virtual clinic following an emergency department visitDr. Sameer Masood
LO012A quality improvement project to enhance emergency department intubation performance and decrease complications during the COVID-19 pandemicDr. Jeff Yoo
LO013Improving safety and communication for healthcare providers caring for SARS-COV-2 patientsDr. Ahmed Taher
LO014Reducing hospital admissions using an interprofessional team in an academic emergency departmentDr. Aikta Verma
LO015Decreasing invasive urinary tract infection screening in a paediatric emergency department: A quality improvement initiativeDr. Felicia Paluc
LO016Improving testing for sexually transmitted infections at St. Michael’s Hospital emergency department in TorontoDr. Sahil Gupta
LO017Guideline for management of healthy children with first episode of febrile neutropeniaDr. Charlotte Grandjean-Blanchet
LO018Reducing overuse of urine cultures in the emergency departmentDr. Shawn Downling
LO019Care gap analysis and development of care pathway to optimize management of early pregnancy complicationsMs. Celina Debiasio
LO020An assessment of the accuracy of the Simple Triage and Rapid Treatment method in the triage of patients in disaster and mass casualty incidents: a meta-analysisMr. Scott Kirkland
LO021A survey of Canadian emergency physicians’ experiences and perspectives during the COVID-19 pandemicDr. Nathalie Gaucher
LO022Subjective pain and discomfort among stable blunt trauma patients transported with various prehospital spinal immobilization devicesDr. Darren Wong
LO023Alternative care models for paramedic patients from long-term care centers; a national survey of Canadian paramedic servicesMs. Shannon Leduc
LO024Ambulance usage among people experiencing homelessness in OntarioDr. Stephenson Strobel


Presentation #TitlePresenter
PL01Rapid agitation control with ketamine in the emergency department: a double blind, randomized controlled trialDr. David Barbic
PL02Intracranial hemorrhage after head injury among anticoagulated elderly patients seen in the emergency department: A population-based cohort studyDr. Keerat Grewal
PL03Strategy empowering paramedics to assess low-risk trauma patients with the Canadian c-spine rule and selectively transport them without immobilization: a pragmatic cluster randomized stepped wedge patient-informed multi-center trialDr. Christian Vaillancourt
PL04PoCS Rule: derivation and validation of a clinical decision rule for early detection of persistent symptoms after a mild traumatic brain injuryDr. Natalie Le Sage

Moderated Posters
Wednesday, June 16     18:30 – 19:30 CT

Track #Presentation #TitlePresenter
3MP15Differences in cognitive processes and cognitive load in chest radiograph interpretation along the spectrum of medical expertise in emergency medicineMr. Michael Morra
3MP16Successful habits in the age of competency-based medical education. A multicenter survey analysis.Dr. Hussein Alrimawi
3MP17Examining enablers and barriers to EPA acquisition using the Theoretical Domains Framework: A qualitative framework analysis studyDr. Quinten Paterson
3MP18Unperceived learning needs among physicians caring for critically ill children in general emergency departmentsDr. Ala Bdira
3MP19Simulation-based teaching for rural and regional family medicine residentsDr. Alvin Yang
3MP20Point-of-Care-Ultrasound (PoCUS) in Undergraduate Medical Education (UGME): A Scoping Review of Assessment MethodsMs. Celina DeBiasio
3MP21Evaluation & Earbuds: a program evaluation of the MacEmerg regional podcastMr. Maroof Khalid
4MP22Examination of outcomes of ICU patients in Nova Scotia based on location prior to ICU admissionDr. Reid Sadoway
4MP23Assessing mechanical ventilation practices in the emergency department: A quality assurance studyDr. Sameer Sharif
4MP24Antibiotic prescribing and outcomes for patients with purulent skin and soft tissue infections in the emergency department.Mr. Tarek Ibrahim
4MP26Evaluating the impact of a pre-arrival CPR quality checklist on resuscitation during a simulated cardiac arrest scenarioDr. Doran Drew
4MP27Pre-defibrillation end-tidal CO2 and defibrillation success in out-of-hospital cardiac arrestDr. Jonathan Kwong
4MP28Sodium valproate compared to dopamine antagonists for the management of acute episodic migraine headache – a systematic review and meta-analysisDr. J. Alexander Viau

Lightning Orals     10:00 – 11:30 CT

Presentation #TitlePresenter
LO25Machine Learning versus usual care for diagnostic and prognostic prediction in the emergency department: a systematic reviewDr. Hashim Kareemi
LO26Communicating wait-time information in Canada: A scoping review of public-facing wait time displays in the Emergency DepartmentMr. Raahulan Rathagirishnan
LO27Where did all the patients go? The impact of reduced patient volumes on Calgary emergency department flow parametersMr. Rory Killam
LO28The impact of employing primary healthcare professionals in emergency department triage on patient flow outcomes: A systematic reviewMs. Rachel Alder
LO29Does emergency department opioid prescribing correlate with community opioid-related deaths (the opioid epidemic)Dr. Jake Hayward
LO30Attitudes, behaviour, and comfort of Canadian emergency physicians in caring for 2SLGBTQI+ patientsDr. Kelly Lien
LO31The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health and substance use visits to Canadian emergency departmentsDr. David Barbic
LO32Does hydronephrosis severity identify low-risk ureteral colic patients appropriate for trial of spontaneous passage without CT imagingDr. Grant Innes
LO33Is pain really the fifth vital sign? Removal of pain from CTAS improves CTAS prediction of patient outcomesDr. Seth David

Lightning Orals     13:30 – 16:00 CT

Presentation #TitlePresenter
LO34Novel emergency medicine virtual consultation and referral service for long-term care residents.
Dr. Clare Wallner
LO35Barriers and facilitators to nursing delirium screening in older emergency patients: A qualitative study using the Theoretical Domains Framework
Dr. Debra Eagles
LO36Efficacy and Safety of Tranexamic Acid in Acute Traumatic Brain Injury: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials
Dr. Kumait Al Lawati
LO37Closed loop communication in the trauma bay: identifying opportunities for team performance improvement through a video review analysis
Dr. Avneesh Bhangu
LO38Safety and efficiency of the Canadian CT Head Rule in assessing anticoagulated head-injured patients
Dr. Fayad Al-Haimus
LO39Anxiolysis for laceration repair in children: a survey of paediatric emergency providers in Canada
Dr. Naveen Poonai
LO40Transported Traumatic Cardiac Arrest Patients Managed at a Single Ontario Lead Trauma Centre: Validation of a Diagnostic Coding Algorithm and Descriptive Epidemiology
Dr. Nada Radulovic
LO41Venous thromboembolism in patients discharged from the emergency department with ankle fractures: A population-based cohort study
Dr. Keerat Grewal
LO42The implementation and efficacy of Iloprost in management of frostbite injuries in a large urban centre
Dr. Sean Crooks
LO43Silver lining to a lockdown? Impact of the early COVID-19 pandemic on the incidence of traumatic injuries presenting to adult Emergency Departments (EDs) – a multicentre analysis.
Mr. Dirk Chisholm
LO44Interventions to reduce burnout in the emergency department: a systematic review
Ms. Alysha Laviolette
LO45Patient characteristics and outcomes associated with cancer diagnosis in the emergency department: A systematic review
Dr. Sally Kang
LO46Effective pain control for corneal abrasions in the emergency department: a meta-analysis
Mr. Matthew Yau
LO47Drug treatments for COVID-19: A living systematic review and network meta-analysis
Dr. Shelley McLeod
LO48Impact of COVID-19 protocols on emergent intubation performance in the emergency department, intensive care unit, and during ward code-blues in an urban tertiary-care centre
Mr. Justin Fernandes

Education Innovation Competition
Wednesday, June 16     15:20 CT

Presentation #TitlePresenter
LO49The virtual delivery of a national rural medical education and in-situ simulation curriculumDr. Wilson Lam
LO50HiQuiPs – health informatics quality improvement patient safety: a novel free open access medical education resourceDr. Ahmed Taher
LO51Developing the Virtual Resus Room: usability, accessibility, and applicability of a virtual simulation alternative for teaching and learningDr. Sarah Foohey

Awards  17:00-18:30 CT

Join us to honour the CAEP 2021 Research Award Winners and Grant Recipients

Grant Innes Research Paper and Presentation Award
Rapid agitation with ketamine in the emergency department (RACKED): a double-blind randomized controlled trial
Dr. David Barbic
Top Resident Research Abstract Award
Efficacy and Safety of Tranexamic Acid in Acute Traumatic Brain Injury: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials

Dr. Kumait Al Lawati
Top New Investigator Abstract Award
Intracranial hemorrhage after head injury among anticoagulated elderly patients seen in the emergency department: A population-based cohort study
Dr. Keerat Grewal
Top Pediatric Abstract Award
A longitudinal, population-based study on mental health outcomes in child survivors of traumatic injury compared with matched controls
Dr. Dominic Chung
Top Medical Student Research Abstract Award
Assessing the learning impact of the Northern City of Heroes public cardiopulmonary resuscitation exhibit at Science North in Sudbury, Ontario
Ms. Marika Moskalyk
Top QIPS Abstract Award
A quality improvement project to enhance emergency department intubation performance and decrease complications during the COVID-19 pandemic
Dr. Jeff Yoo
CAEP-CanVECTOR Research Abstract Awards
Careful Anticoagulation Review in Emergency Medicine: the CARe-EM study
Dr. Alan Tan
CAEP-CanVECTOR Research Abstract Awards
Venous thromboembolism in patients discharged from the emergency department with ankle fractures: A population-based cohort study
Dr. Keerat Grewal
Choosing Wisely Canada Abstract Award
Reducing hospital admissions using an interprofessional team in an academic emergency department
Dr. Aikta Verma
Resident Research Abstract
Comparing the frequency of ST-elevation myocardial infarction bypasses and their associated short term outcomes during and before the COVID-19 pandemic
Dr. Lawrence Yau
Resident Research Abstract
Machine Learning versus usual care for diagnostic and prognostic prediction in the emergency department: a systematic review
Dr. Hashim Kareemi
Resident Research Abstract
Diagnostic accuracy of non-invasive imaging modalities versus direct visualization to diagnose adult epiglottitis: A systematic review
Dr. Erin Creasor
Resident Research Abstract
Patient characteristics and outcomes associated with cancer diagnosis in the emergency department: A systematic review
Dr. Sally Kang
Resident Research Abstract
Unperceived learning needs among physicians caring for critically ill children in general emergency departments
Dr. Ala Bdira
Resident Research Abstract
Identification of pediatric emergency department patients for referral to rapid-access substance use services
Dr. Elizabeth Williams
Resident Research Abstract
Does IVC ultrasound independently predict fluid status in spontaneously breathing, undifferentiated hypotensive patients? SHoC-IVC
Dr. Robert Dunfield

Thursday, June 17     11:00 – 12:30 CT

Presentation #TitlePresenter
LO52Troponin for ED syncope evaluation: Derivation and validation of the Canadian Syncope Risk Score ultra-low-risk criteriaDr. Venkatesh Thiruganasambandamoorthy
LO53Comparing the frequency of ST-elevation myocardial infarction bypasses and their associated short term outcomes during and before the COVID-19 pandemicDr. Lawrence Yau
LO54Evaluation of adverse events associated with electrical cardioversion in patients with acute atrial fibrillation and atrial flutterDr. Ian Stiell
LO55Is high-sensitivity troponin better than conventional troponin for prognostication of ED patients with syncope?Dr. Venkatesh Thiruganasambandamoorthy
LO56External validation of a low HEAR score to identify emergency department chest pain patients at very low risk of major adverse cardiac events without troponin testingMr. Connor O'Rielly
LO57Can ED chest pain patients with intermediate HEART scores be managed as outpatients?Ms. Aisha Moustapha
LO58Flattening the other curve: reducing emergency department delays for ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemicDr. Jesse McLaren
LO59Epidemiology, mortality and miss rate of acute aortic syndrome in Ontario, Canada: A population-based studyDr. Robert Ohle
LO60The clinical impact of a new pathway to guide anticoagulation prescription for atrial fibrillation in the emergency department: a two-year evaluation.Ms. Jamiee Carter

Thursday, June 17     13:30 – 16:00 CT

Presentation #TitlePresenter
LO61Assessing the learning impact of the Northern City of Heroes public cardiopulmonary resuscitation exhibit at Science North in Sudbury, OntarioMs Marika Moskalyk
LO62Take a breath: Investigating the effect of box-breathing on the stress, cognitive load, and performance of junior residents in a simulation-based resuscitation OSCEMr. Shyan Van Heer
LO63Do preparatory online modules optimize cognitive load during simulated resuscitation scenarios?Mr. Gilmar Gutierrez
LO64The influence of observation type (direct or indirect) on quality of workplace-based assessment written commentsDr. Jeffrey Landreville
LO65Is a homemade cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) trainer non-inferior to a commercial CPR trainer in teaching high quality compression-only CPR?Ms. Marika Moskalyk
LO66The catalytic effect of multisource feedback for trauma team learners: a pilot studyMs. Leah Allen
LO67Building validity evidence for the QuAL (Quality of Assessment for Learning) score as a measure of the quality of narrative comments in Competency Based Medical EducationDr. Rob Woods
LO68Point-of-care ultrasound in pediatric advanced life support – Perspectives of new graduates on the utility of point-of-care ultrasound in pediatric resuscitation.Dr. Grace Bravo
LO69Careful Anticoagulation Review in Emergency Medicine: the CARe-EM studyDr. Alan Tan
LO70Diagnostic accuracy of non-invasive imaging modalities versus direct visualization to diagnose adult epiglottitis: A systematic reviewDr. Erin Creasor
LO71Utilization of CT angiography of the head and neck in the era of endovascular therapy: A retrospective studyDr. Leila Salehi
LO72The effect of point of care ultrasound on helicopter EMS scene timesMs. Kerri Onotera
LO73Exploring computed tomography of abdomen/pelvis usage across emergency departments in the Calgary zoneDr. Shawn Dowling
LO74Does IVC ultrasound independently predict fluid status in spontaneously breathing, undifferentiated hypotensive patients? SHoC-IVCDr. Robert Dunfield
LO75Is point-of-care ultrasound a reliable predictor of outcome during traumatic cardiac arrest? A systematic review and meta-analysis from the SHoC investigators.Dr. Elizabeth Lalande


Presentation #TitlePresenter
P001Law enforcement personnel in the emergency department: a scoping reviewMs. Sara Abolhassani

P002Kids save lives: the reality of CPR and AED training in Ontario schools
Dr. Katherine Allan
P003Measuring Heat Illness with an Administrative Coding Algorithm: Test Characteristics and Findings
Mr. Hasan Baassiri
P004What is the prehospital experience of patients presenting to the ED with police with agitation and violent behaviour? A pre-planned secondary analysis of the RACKED trial.
Dr. David Barbic
P005What proportion of patients presenting to the ED with substance induced psychosis are admitted to hospital?
Dr. David Barbic
P006What are the ED patterns of use for patients presenting to the ED with substance induced psychosis?
Dr. David Barbic
P007What is the 30 day mortality of patients presenting to the ED with substance induced psychosis?
Dr. David Barbic
P008The Northern Amazing and Awesome model of hospital-wide QI rounds: A Qualitative Analysis
Dr. Meghan Bhatia
P009Educational innovation: video in situ simulation for medical student education during the COVID-19 pandemic
Ms. Monika Bilic
P010Cardiac monitoring of hospitalized patients in the emergency department
Dr. Renee Bradley
P011Diagnostic yield of head computerized tomography in elderly emergency department patients with possible delirium: A retrospective chart review
Dr. Josh Butcher
P012A pilot quality improvement project implementing a nursing directive for children with suspected appendicitis
Mr. Hanu Chaudhari
P013Exploring goals of care discussions in the emergency department: a qualitative study using the Theoretical Domains Framework
Dr. Lindsay Cheskes
P014Examining local practice patterns of urinary screening in elderly patients presenting to the emergency department without lower urinary symptoms or sepsis
Dr. Joseph Choi
P015A live avatar approach to virtual procedural teaching: An experience from the Toronto Addis Ababa Academic Collaboration in Emergency Medicine
Dr. Shannon Chun
P016Emergency department presentation changes due to the covid-19 pandemic in Nova Scotia, Canada
Dr. Tara Dahn
P017Nursing initiated triage modifications have greater predictive value than computer-aided algorithms alone: Cautionary data for the future of artificial intelligence at triage
Dr. Seth Davis
P018Human trafficking, a Competency by Design approach to improving recognition and management in the emergency department
Dr. Julianna Deutscher
P019Using virtual grand rounds in the Emergency Department to respond to the pandemic
Dr. Shawn Dowling
P020Individualized care plans: A collaborative approach to reduce frequent emergency department visitation
Dr. Christine East
P021Outcomes of patients receiving renal replacement therapy in Intensive Care Units in Nova Scotia – a retrospective database review
Mr. Mohamed Eissa
P022A retrospective cohort study to determine the prevalence of serious bacterial infections in infants less than 90 days with and without symptoms or signs of a viral infection.
Dr. Mohamed Eltorki
P023Comparing the Ottawa Emergency Department Shift Observation Tool (O-EDShOT) to the traditional Daily Encounter Card (DEC) – Measuring the quality of documented assessments
Ms. Kaitlin Endres
P024A program evaluation of podiatry consult services for patients presenting to Calgary emergency departments with foot ulcers or infections
Mr. Kyle Exner
P025Implementation of a sickle cell crisis protocol in a tertiary care emergency department
Dr. Maeghan Fu
P026The Responsibility to Care: A Qualitative Study of Emergency Department Workers’ Experiences During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Canada
Dr. Nathalie Gaucher
P027Sexual Assault Medical Clearance: a survey on the utility of an emergency department clearance tool
Dr. Gauri Ghate
P028Effect of COVID-19 on the Financial Transparency & Wellness of Physicians and Surgeons in London, Ontario
Dr. Gauri Ghate
P029Prepatching reduces paramedic in-hospital time for emergent interfacility transfers of patients requiring mechanical ventilation or vasopressors
Ms. Robin Glicksman
P030Current procedural sedation practices for adults and children in a Canadian community emergency department
Dr. Amber Graystone
P031The state of the evidence for prehospital stroke scales: an analysis of appraised research from the Prehospital Evidence-based Practice program
Ms. Jennifer Greene
P032Shock and shame: International investigation of interdisciplinary emergency clinicians’ pandemic-related moral injury
Ms. Hailey Guertin
P033National automated external defibrillator operational readiness project: a public access defibrillation program population-based survey
Mr. Micah Hansen
P034National automated external defibrillator operational readiness project: a public access defibrillation program population-based survey
Mr. Micah Hansen
P035A tale of two cities: Comparing diagnostic imaging for emergency department patients with vertigo in Calgary and Edmonton
Mr. Logan Haynes
P036Characterization of antibiotic prescribing practices for SARS-CoV-2 positive patients discharged home from the emergency department
Mr. Dakoda Herman
P037Attitudes and acceptability of organ and tissue donation registration in the emergency department: a national questionnaire of emergency physicians
Dr. Michael Hickey
P038Attitudes and acceptability of organ and tissue donation registration in the emergency department: A national questionnaire of emergency nurses
Dr. Michael Hickey
P039Appropriateness of emergency physician antibiotic prescribing for uncomplicated purulent skin and soft tissue infections.
Mr. Tarek Ibrahim
P040Can plain film radiography improve the emergency department detection of clinically important renal stones
Dr. Grant Innes
P041Not just the asthma: Understanding acute asthma experiences of emergency department patients through photovoice
Ms. Lynette Krebs
P042More than just a headache: Understanding the experiences of headache-sufferers who attend the emergency department through photovoice
Ms. Lynette Krebs
P043Tough medicine: Experiences of clinicians providing palliative care in the emergency department
Ms. Lynette Krebs
P044A scoping review to identify access barriers and knowledge gaps for 2SLGBTQ+ patients in the Emergency Department
Dr. Michael Kruse
P045Does Direct Observation Happen Early in a New Competency-Based Residency Program?
Dr. Jeffrey Landreville
P046Contrasting the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Emergency Medical Services and Emergency Department frequency, presenting severity, disposition, and mortality
Dr. Andrew McRae
P047Examining patient and contextual factors predicting delirium recognition in 1477 older emergency department patients in a national bilingual multicenter trial
Dr. Jacques Lee
P048Experiences of healthcare providers with a novel emergency response intubation team (ERIT) during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic
Mr. Daniel Dongjoo Lee
P049A population-based observational study on the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on a large Canadian community emergency department
Mr. Daniel Dongjoo Lee
P050Undertriage of severely injured trauma patients: A review of interfacility transfers of trauma patients meeting field trauma triage standards
Dr. Winny Li
P051Diagnosis and management of wide complex tachycardia in the emergency department
Mr. James-Jules Linton
P052Prone manual and mechanical chest compression optimization for the COVID19 pandemic
Ms. Tess Loch
P053Understanding the emergency physician liaison (leader) role: a realist evaluation
Ms. Tess Loch
P054Surviving strangulation: evaluation of non-fatal strangulation in patients presenting to a tertiary care sexual assault and partner abuse care program
Dr. Zachary MacDonald
P055Provision of non-pharmacologic analgesia to children by prehospital providers in Southwestern Ontario: a cross-sectional study
Ms. Charlotte Mace
P056Assessing the impact of the implementation of an advanced care paramedic program in the greater Saint John area in patients with out of hospital cardiac arrest
Dr. Mark McGraw
P057Emergency physician risk assessment practices prior to prescribing opioids
Dr. Mark McKinney
P058First Nations status and emergency department triage scores in the Canadian province of Alberta: A retrospective cohort study using linked administrative data
Dr. Patrick McLane
P059Do patients respond to posted ED wait times: Evidence from the implementation of a wait time publication system in Hamilton, Canada.
Dr. Shawn Mondoux
P060A quality improvement project to ensure safe airway management in the emergency department in the time of COVID-19
Dr. David Morden
P061Exploring communication between consultants and referring physicians – a qualitative study
Ms. Amira Muftah
P062Improving acute care for long-term care residents: A better way to care for the frail elderly in times of medical urgency
Dr. Abraham Munene
P063A novel transition to practice curriculum for CCFP(EM) Programs
Dr. Avik Nath
P064Validation of ICD10 diagnostic codes for Acute aortic syndrome and development of a diagnostic algorithm for identification of cases using administrative database
Dr. Robert Ohle
P065Frequency of blood transfusion in patients presenting to the emergency department with iron deficiency anemia
Dr. Emily Oura
P066Establishing a shared mental model during COVID-19 using simulation and real-time interdisciplinary knowledge translation
Ms. Camilla Parpia
P067Developing the equity, diversity, advocacy, and cultural safety (EDACS) curriculum for cultural change in the emergency department
Ms. Sheza Qayyum
P068CRACKCast: a model for best practices in free open access medical education
Dr. Dillan Radomske
P069Comparing the written notes of resident and attending physicians for patients presenting with abdominal pain to a Canadian academic emergency department: A pilot study
Dr. Akshay Rajaram
P070COVID-19 Pandemic and Violence: Rising risks and decreasing urgent care-seeking for sexual assault and domestic violence survivors
Dr. Kari Sampsel
P071F-SOAP: a simple model to teach oral case presentations to medical students
Dr. Katie Lin
P072Availability of hospital-based helipads in Ontario and impact on interfacility transfer times
Dr. Etai Shachar
P073Efficacy of virtual simulation-based training in emergency medicine residents
Dr. Kishan Shani
P074Improving the delivery technique of respiratory metered-dose inhaler and spacer during COVID-19 pandemic and beyond
Dr. Dominick Shelton
P075Antibiotic prescription patterns for suspected urinary tract infections in the Alberta Children’s Hospital Emergency Department
Dr. Dana Stewart
P076The erector spinae plane block for acute pain management in emergency department patients with rib fractures
Dr. Ian Surdhar
P077Stratified stressors: Quality of life significantly diminished in Canadian, female, and minority emergency clinicians during pandemic spikes and surges
Ms. Kylie Suwary
P078Developing a dashboard for faculty development in competency-based training programs: A design-based research project
Dr. Brent Thoma
P079Gender equity in academic medicine: A review of expert generated top emergency medicine studies
Mr. Andrew Tolmie
P080An evaluation of emergency department pain management practices for fragility fractures of the pelvis and their impact on patient outcomes
Dr. Uyen Evelyn Tran
P081An exploration of Canadian emergency physician personal experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic
Ms. Anna Tran
P082Creation of a novel evaluation tool to manage conflict of interests in clinical practice guideline panels.
Dr. Suneel Upadhye
P083You might have COVID-19: Improving patient education for behaviour change using information design
Dr. Samuel Vaillancourt
P084Extending the emergency department during a pandemic
Dr. Samuel Vaillancourt
P085Co-designing discharge information after emergency care with healthcare providers and patients
Dr. Samuel Vaillancourt
P086A descriptive analysis of pediatric CTAS 1 patients presenting to a community ED who require transfer to a pediatric centre.
Dr. Rahim Valani
P087Causes and Predictors of Early Postpartum Complications that Result in Visits to the Emergency Department
Dr. Rahim Valani
P088Pandemic perspectives: reductions in respiratory and gastrointestinal communicable diseases in Calgary adult emergency departments
Ms. Malavika Varma
P089Development and evaluation of an online simulation curriculum for interdisciplinary medical teams at electronic dance music festivals
Mr. Allen Vorobeichik
P090Optimal management strategies for primary headache in the emergency department
Dr. Simon Wells
P091Patient perspectives of care received for sickle cell disease in Ontario hospitals
Dr. Suzan Williams
P092Intubation performance and team safety using novel COVID-19 protocols during high-fidelity simulation are equal between an urban tertiary-care and a community emergency department: A prospective cohort study
Ms. Sarah Wong
P093The lived experience of emergency department patients after a visit for hyperglycemia: implications for communication and factors affecting adherence post-discharge
Dr. Justin Yan
P094A comparison of diabetic ketoacidosis treatment protocols from Canadian adult emergency departments
Mr. David Zheng
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