Wednesday June 16
Track Chairs
Amanda Collier is an EM physician at Queen’s University. She was their inaugural fellow in Global EM, and is the current chair of the CAEP Global EM committee. Her primary interests are EM education in LMICs and humanitarian response.
Caroline Kowal is an emergency physician in Winnipeg, Manitoba. She has experience working with MSF and is a past chair of the CAEP Global EM committee. Interests include HIV medicine.
This track will feature 5 outstanding Global EM speakers. A panel discussion with Dr Richard Kojan (Congo) and Dr Peter Kiiza (Uganda) will highlight their experience working in several Ebola epidemics, and innovations improving Ebola care. Dr Paul Atkinson (Canada) and Dr Hein Lamprecht (South Africa) will discuss the strengths and challenges of implementing an international RCT and collaboration between institutions in a resource limited setting. Dr Sa’ad Lahri (South Africa) will explain his experience reorganizing his emergency department in response to the pandemic.
Learning Objectives
Gain an understanding of the Ebola outbreak and how it led to improved outbreak preparedness and innovation.
Appreciate the range of research occurring in Global EM.
Consider the strengths and challenges of conducting research in Global EM settings.
Ebola Experiences: Outbreaks, Research and Innovation
In this panel conversation, Dr Richard Kojan (Congo) and Dr Peter Kiiza (Uganda) will discuss their experience working in several Ebola epidemics. Dr Kiiza’s experiences have led him to research the impacts of PPE on healthcare providers’ performance, and Dr Kojan is the creator of a portable, biosecure emergency care unit which has revolutionized Ebola care.
Understand the difficulties of providing Ebola care in the typical Ebola Treatment Units
Discuss how challenges have led to many avenues of research, improvements and innovations in Ebola care.
Introduce the CUBE – a portable, biosecure emergency care unit that can be deployed in resource limited settings.
Ebola Experience
I will offer a brief review of my experience treating Ebola and other viral hemorrhagic fevers in Africa (Uganda, Sierra Leone, Liberia). Thereafter, share disparate frontline experiences of preparing rapid response teams on how to use PPE, care for patients, engage communities, and lessons learned.
Learning Objectives
To extrapolate experiences gained from Ebola outbreak response to the COVID-19 pandemic
Emergency Centre Reorganisation: Adapt and Re adapt
The COVID-19 global pandemic forced healthcare facilities to put special isolation measures in place to limit nosocomial transmission. This talk will describe our experience in re- organizing our emergency centre and leadership lessons learnt
Learning Objectives
Leadership Lessons: adapt
Communication as dynamic reassesment is done daily
Re-organization requires multidisciplinary teamwork
Restructuring and reorganising of the EC requires TrolleyparkMain entranceHospital receponRecepon clerks LaboratoryRadiologyPaediatricnon-respiratoryPaediatricrespiratoryThuthuzela care centreCourtyardCourtyardOfficeOfficeOfficeOfficeTConsultConsultConsultTriageMental health careScreeningPortersStoreProcedureStaff changeroomWorkstaonTearoomTearoomPUIStoreAStoreStoreStoresStoreSluiceTTOTTTTOn-callroomNon-respiratoryResuscitaon unitRespiratoryresuscitaion unitRespiratory low and intermediate acuityareaCOVID-19 isolaonNon-respiratoryintermediateacuity areaA, ambulance entrance; O, office, PUI, person under investigation room; T, toilets.Solid arrows represents the flow of non-respiratory, non-COVID-19 and non-PUI patients.Non-solid arrows represents the flow of respiratory, COVID-19 and PUI patients.FIGURE 4: Phase 3: Phased reorganization of Khayelitsha Hospital’s emergency centre in preparation to the COVID-19 pandemic. Page 5 of 5Short Reporthttp://www.phcfm.orgOpen Accessmultidisciplinary involvement of healthcare providers and hospital managers; all working towards a common goal of staff and patient safety.
A Global Research Conversation: The SHoC-ED study
This talk with researchers from the SHoC-ED study (Dr Paul Atkinson – Canada and Dr Hein Lamprecht – South Africa) will discuss the strengths and challenges of implementing an international RCT and collaboration between institutions in a resource limited setting.
Understand the development of a research collaboration between countries with different resources
Highlight the benefits of a collaboration between institutions with varying resources and varying patient population
Become aware of challenges that occur in implementing research in a developing or resource constrained setting